News and Notes from the FFIS Fall 2009 Newsletter

12/05/2009 13:14

Join FFIS on Facebook:

FFIS now has a fan page on Facebook, the popular social network. If you have a Facebook account, you can join as a fan by doing a search for Friendship Foundation for International Students, choosing the fan page (with the FFIS logo) and clicking on the “Be a Fan” button at the top. Help us make the most of Facebook to reach current and potential members. Here’s how:
- When you see a status update in your live news feed, you can “like” it (give it a thumbs up) or make a comment. When you do this, that info is then shared with your Facebook friends who might not see it otherwise.
- Add updates yourself! If you know something that is going on and worth sharing with our fans, leave a note on the “wall” of the fan page.
- Add photos! People love pictures and FFIS members are no exception. Upload a photo right to the wall page and tell us a little about it.

Raffle Items Needed:

We will be hosting a reception in January to thank all of our conversation friends, host families and community/international friends and to recap the highlights of 2009 for FFIS.  In order to make this a success, we are looking for various items to be used as raffle prizes at the reception.  If you or someone you know has items they would be willing to donate, please contact Becky Megerssa at

New Scholarship Fund

Former Friendship Foundation Steering Committee Chair and Newsletter Editor Ellen Singer made a substantial seed donation for a new scholarship fund.  When it matures, the fund will provide for an international student to come to America who might otherwise be unlikely to come because of financial constraints.  Donations to the fund from non-Steering Committee members will be matched up to $500.  The Friendship Foundation for International Students looks forward to growing this scholarship fund sincerely thanks Ellen for her seed contribution.

Give to FFIS

As a new school year begins, we are asking for your continued support of the Friendship Foundation for International Students.  Nearly one quarter of our annual budget goes toward making the annual Welcome Picnic a success, but your support also allows us to participate in community events and host the Spring Awards. FFIS relies on the donations of its members in order to continue providing invaluable services to international students.  If you would like to make a donation, please contact: Becky Megerssa at
